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NEI Research News

Thanks to the work of NEI scientists and grantees, we’re constantly learning new information about the causes and treatment of vision disorders. Get the latest updates about their work — along with other news about NEI.

135 items
Field of green cells with red circle and red oval overlaid.

New gene therapy delivery system aims for precision

In a novel approach to gene therapy, scientists funded by the National Eye Institute (NEI) report using gold nanoparticles and light to target specific cells in mouse retina.
DNA methylation process

NEI researchers link age-related DNA modifications to susceptibility to eye disease

National Eye Institute (NEI) researchers profiling epigenomic changes in light-sensing mouse photoreceptors have a clearer picture of how age-related eye diseases may be linked to age-related changes in the regulation of gene expression.
Images of dry AMD retina

NIH researchers discover tooth-enamel protein in eyes with dry AMD

A protein that normally deposits mineralized calcium in tooth enamel may also be responsible for calcium deposits in the back of the eye in people with dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Eye chart for testing vision

Therapy could improve, prolong sight in those suffering vision loss

Millions of Americans are progressively losing their sight as cells in their eyes deteriorate, but a new therapy developed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, could help prolong useful vision and delay total blindness.
Image of retina

Scientists successfully test new way to deliver gene therapy​

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have used a unique method to safely deliver gene therapy to fight a rare, but irreversible, genetic eye disorder known as Stargardt disease.
Brad Gelfand, Ph.D., in the laboratory

Potential Way to Halt Blinding Macular Degeneration Identified

Researchers at the University of Virginia have successfully treated age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in mice after finding an unexpected link between the two main forms of the blinding eye disease.
Model of protein structure with 4 protein chains

UNH Researchers Solve Protein Structure Associated with Inherited Retinal Diseases

Researchers at the University of New Hampshire have reported the first structural model for a key enzyme, and its activating protein, that can play a role in some genetically inherited eye diseases like retinitis pigmentosa and night blindness.
A section of cortex with colorfully labeled layers. Layer 4 stands out in a pinkish hue

Study probing visual memory, amblyopia unveils many-layered mystery

Researchers at the Picower Institute at MIT have discovered cellular mechanisms behind amblyopia and visual memory.
Grantee News

LSU Health discovers critical role of two proteins in vision and preventing blinding eye diseases

LSU researchers have discovered unique patterns of genetic activity that may lead to the development of blinding retinal diseases.
Zebrafish facility

Zebrafish study reveals developmental mechanisms of eye movement

Researchers studying zebrafish have found that genes linked to autism spectrum disorder and other developmental brain abnormalities may be playing a role in people who cannot control their eye movements.