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Module 1: Making Vision a Health Priority

This module includes information about vision changes that can occur with age, the importance of comprehensive dilated eye exams, and things people can do to keep their eyes healthy.

Download Making Vision a Health Priority PowerPoint presentation PPT (9.56 MB)
Download Making Vision a Health Priority PowerPoint presentation PDF (650 KB)
A slide presentation that introduces vision changes and eye conditions that occur in people as they age.

Download Speaker’s guide PDF (1.3 MB)
The speaker’s text and notes on how to present information contained in the PowerPoint presentation.

Download Promotional event announcement Word (450 KB)
Download Promotional event announcement PDF (244 KB)
An announcement to promote an educational event that can be customized with your organization’s name and the location, date, and time of the event.

Download Everyone’s vision can change with age PDF (635 KB)
A 3 page explanation of how vision changes with age.

Download Age-related eye diseases at-a-glance PDF (135 KB)
An overview of the most common age-related eye diseases, including a description of the risk factors and symptoms.

Download Parts of the eye PDF (260 KB)
An illustration that shows the parts of the eye.

Download Dilated eye exam PDF (1.25 MB)
A description of what’s involved in a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

Download Financial assistance for eye care PDF (189 KB)
A list of organizations that can help cover the cost of eye exams, glasses, or contact lenses.

Download Participant evaluation form PDF (134 KB)
A brief questionnaire to obtain feedback from participants.

Last updated: July 16, 2019